Thursday, 5 February 2015
A Mobile Phone That Can Unlock Just About Anything

Phone locking applies to nearly any type of cell phone, from the lowest, cheapest dumb phone to the highest end smartphone. Unlocking is different from jailbreaking and rooting, which bypass other software restrictions on mobile devices.

Unlocking your mobile phone lets you use it on any network so you can always get the best deals without being tied down to expensive, lengthy contracts. Greedy mobile phone companies don't want people to jump ship and you might think that unlocking your phone isn't allowed by your network. Unlocking your phone on EE, O2, Three, Vodafone, Tesco and Virgin Mobile is a doddle and in some cases it won't cost you a penny.
Typically all networks impose one, two of three limits on unlocking – time after activation to unlock, cost of unlocking and how long it will take to carry out. We'll explain how to do it on all the UK's major networks. There is no need to ever use a dodgy high street 'mobile phone unlocking' service - anything they'll do you can do yourself for a fraction of the cost.
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